
Feral Cats being trapped at North Carolina A&T Univers

A quick update....I went over there yesterday about noon...some of the traps that were tripped the night before arounf 10pm, were still sitting there unattended for at least 14 hours.  If a cat had been in a trap for that long, it could have been devastating.

The traps were checked again around 9pm and a cat was inside one of them....somehow it got out.....don't know how

We did find a litter of kittens playing near one of the dorms, traps were set up to get them out of there.  Then we need to find Mama and get her Spayed.

The local Fox TV station is going to do a story Monday..they are great people here, they are supporters of our group.

Hope Alley Cat Allies can get involved before too many are killed.  I just do NOT trust this PMI.  Right on their website they say they do not trap cats and dogs....so what are Feral Cats??????

Thanks again,
 Three things in life are certain;
death, taxes, and cats helping
to make the bed >^..^<

Hi Amy,
I have sent an email to Chancellor Martin.  Thank you for bringing this to our attention, and for everything you do for the kitties.