
Discussing SB 250 & this list -- Gesine is fed-up

1) You absolutely are not getting this ordinance! and I don't know
how else to explain it to you! (have you read it?)

Many ordinances are not "killer squads out there enforcing them",
but activated by a complaint, or by something else, e.g. someone
gets a ticket and they say, oh, we're adding a fix-it-ticket to this,
for example. Take 32 minutes and listen to the radio interview
with Mancuso -- discussing similarity to auto tickets (have you
listened to that interview? which specifically discusses how this
bill is not a threat to TNR and feral cat colony caretakers & cats)

I don't think you have experience working in the neighborhoods,
cat-ocean inner-city -- it hasn't sounded like you "get" the dynamics.

Saying "an ordinance that isn't enforced is useless" demonstrates
that you're not understanding the whole dynamic! It will be a
TOOL for rescuers! And for ACs/shelters, it will be a tool, triggered
by a complaint; they're not going to go around looking.

2) You also aren't getting that this is a TEACHING LIST.
I am the main teacher, among other teachers here (mods and others).

Free expression can be easily misused, look at the scare campaign
(which apparently is winning) the opponents of SB 250 are running.

There are a zillion cat lists that are not moderated, and a zillion
that don't have a teaching purpose, and a zillion that don't have
one person dominating them.

My very long post earlier today, gave quite sufficient information
for anyone to realize, oh, my fears around this are groundless
(e.g. AC ALREADY has the power if they chose to go round up
feral cats, and they mostly don't)(and, the only feral colonies that
would be even affected by the bill, are if you are feeding a feral
colony in your personal backyard, then you need to s/n them, and
it doesn't have to be instantaneous).

3) I have been very disenheartened by the lack of critical thinking
I'm seeing, in TNR folk who haven't read the bill, just uncritically
read some opinion, and are taken in by scare tactics. I've seen this
locally, on this list, and further away. This happens to be one of
my "buttons" -- and this lack of critical thinking, lack of taking the
time to read a case, lack of seeing "who's against this bill?" (breeders!),
has really gotten to me. It is very disappointing to me.

I've spent hours reading, asking for clarification, emailing, etc.
I've had it! And I'm fed-up with TNR folk not doing the research to
see that this bill is what we want, would be a tool for us to use.
I'm still trying to change Becky Robinson of ACA's mind, as well.

4) Alice, in particular, you have sent me a number of hostile
emails off-list, and in this post you were also hostile.

Of course I'm not perfect. No one is. But my motivation for
doing this list is by gosh, I don't want other people making the
mistakes I did, when I was teaching myself to do TNR and rescue.
Yes, back when I was taking transit for miles through the snow to
do TNR, and all that.

So -- If you wish to discuss this particular bill more, please first
read up and listen up about it, then email me.

If you just can't stand my disagreeing with you, please find a list
that is more to your liking!


> The point is to help cats and an ordinance that is not enforced is useless.  Mandatory spay neuter alone is a a small step but with out other things including enforcement what good is it.  I have read up on the issue of mandatory spay and neuter but I do not have big surprise yjr sdasme opinion as you. 

Why is it that every time especially me disagrees with you that we are wrong.  You may not be Christian but the only perfect person that walked this earth was and is Jesus and you are not him.  Discussion is one sided and also useless if you will not allow free expression.  
